Downstream Batch Mix Calculator

This Downstream Injector Batch Mix Calculator can help you calculate the proportions of bleach (sodium hypochlorite, abbreviated as SH) and water to mix in a draw tank for downstreaming purposes based on your inputs.

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Downstream Injector Batch Mix Calculator
Calculator Inputs

Calculator Instructions

Video Instructions

Desired Mix at Nozzle Exit

The first input for the calculator is the desired mix you’d like to spray from the nozzle exit of your pressure washer. This represents the bleach (SH) concentration you would like to spray from your nozzle.

For example, let’s say that you would like to spray a 1% bleach solution, you’d enter a “1” in the first input box.

Bleach (SH) Strength

The next input is the bleach (SH) strength you plan to use in your draw tank batch mix. The bleach concentration will typically range from around 5% to 12.5% depending on which product you purchase.

Draw Ratio (Water : Bleach Mix)

The draw rate of your pressure washer downstream setup will vary greatly based on a number of factors such as hose length, nozzle selection, and injector specs. Therefore, it is really important to run a draw test to see what your actual draw rate is for your specific setup.

There are two input boxes for the draw ratio. The first input box is the water draw rate and the second input box is draw rate from your draw tank, which will contain a bleach (SH) mixture.

Desired Mix Amount (Optional)

The last input for the calculator is the desired mix amount. This input is optional but recommended. This represents to total amount of batch mix you’d like to make to fill your draw tank.

For example, if you wanted to use a 5 gallon bucket as your draw tank, you’d enter a “5” in this last input box.

You can also select your preferred units in this section by selecting either gallons or liters. The calculator defaults to gallons.


Once you have finished entering your desired inputs into the calculator, press the “Calculate” button. The calculator will return useful information based on the inputs you provided.